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Spanish and Belgian Leaders Meet Israel’s President Herzog

In a gathering at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem, Israeli President Isaac Herzog met with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo. The meeting, centered around the ongoing Israeli crisis, saw Herzog expressing deep gratitude for the international support and solidarity amid Israel’s struggle against terrorism.

Herzog articulated the horrors Israel faces, highlighting the recent identification of a young victim and the widespread atrocities including murder, abduction, and sexual violence. He emphasized the silence of the international community on these issues, especially with the International Day Against Violence Against Women approaching. Herzog stressed the need for decisive action against these crimes.

The talks also focused on the imminent return of hostages and the execution of the ceasefire agreement brokered by Israel, Qatar, and Hamas under US supervision. Herzog outlined Israel’s humanitarian efforts in Gaza, including the establishment of field hospitals and supply corridors.

Prime Minister Sánchez expressed Spain’s empathy for Israel’s pain and condemned the terrorist acts of Oct. 7. He welcomed the agreement for the hostages’ release and the initiation of a humanitarian pause.

Prime Minister De Croo echoed the sentiment, condemning anti-Semitism and emphasizing Belgium’s commitment to standing with Israel. He expressed hope for the agreement’s success in liberating hostages and advancing peace.