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Gulf Markets Drop in Response to US Oil Futures Crash

The Saudi and Gulf financial markets dropped sharply Tuesday after the bottom fell out of the US crude oil futures market, which sank below $0 on Monday – a historic first. At its lowest point, US oil futures were being offered at negative $40 per barrel, and when the trading stopped, the price was negative $37.63, a decline of around 305%, or $55.90 per barrel. The Saudi TASI index dropped 1.5% at the opening of trade, while the oil giant Aramco fell 1.7%. The Dubai market was down 1.4%, the Abu Dhabi ADI index lost 0.5% in value and Kuwait’s BKP index fell 2%. The OPEC deal to cut more than 10% of oil production hasn’t been sufficient to stop the steady decline in the price of oil, caused by a 30% decline in demand in the wake of the coronavirus-induced drop in global economic activity.