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Hamas Claims Capture of IDF Soldiers in Gaza, Israel Denies

A spokesperson for Hamas’ military wing, the Al Qassam Brigades, announced on Sunday that their fighters had captured Israeli soldiers during clashes in the northern Gaza neighborhood of Jabalia on Saturday. This statement was immediately countered by the Israeli military, which denied any soldiers were taken.

In a recorded message broadcast by Al Jazeera, Abu Ubaida claimed that Hamas combatants “lured a Zionist force into an ambush inside a tunnel … The fighters withdrew after they left all members of the force dead, wounded, and captured.” However, he did not specify the number of soldiers allegedly captured and provided no concrete evidence to substantiate the claim.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responded swiftly with a statement clarifying that no such incident had occurred. “The IDF clarifies that there is no incident in which a soldier was abducted,” the military communicated.

The tension comes amidst renewed efforts to restart cease-fire talks in Gaza, which have been mediated by international entities, including Egypt, Qatar, and with the involvement of the United States. These talks aim to address the ongoing conflict and negotiate the release of hostages held by Hamas, as well as the conditions of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.