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Jordan, Israel to be ‘Sky Bridge’ for Passing Aircraft

The civil aviation authorities of Jordan and Israel have agreed to open their airspace as a “sky bridge” between East and West starting on October 9. The agreement will allow airliners and some military aircraft to fly over the two countries on their way to and from North America and Europe, on the one hand, and the Middle East and Far East, on the other. This will cut flight times and fuel use. A map attached to the agreement shows routes involving takeoffs and landings in Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Iraq, as well as a route that involves the overflight of Iran. Passage will be limited to the hours between 11 pm and 6 am, being extended to 12 hours on weekends and holidays. Israeli security authorities will have the last word on each overflight of Israel. “Once again, we are breaking new barriers, this time in the air,” Israeli Transportation Minister Miri Regev said in a statement. “Owing to this agreement, the State of Israel is becoming more and more integrated into the region.”