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Abbas Says He’ll Negotiate Unity Government with Factions; Hamas Says it’s News to Them

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday that he will begin talks with each of the Palestinian factions in an effort to move toward the establishment of a unity government. In response, a spokesman for Hamas said the rival group has not heard about it from Abbas or his office. Despite signing a reconciliation agreement in 2011, there has been virtually no movement toward implementing the pact, most importantly, the holding of elections. Since Prime Minister Salam Fayyad tendered his resignation two weeks ago the need for elections or the interim formation of a unity government has become even more acute. Fayyad’s presence has been an impediment to cooperation for some time, with Hamas demanding his ouster. Fayyad had said all along that he would not be the one who prevents reconciliation, and now that he has stepped down, Palestinian law requires a new government be formed. That, according to the Fatah-controlled PLO, puts the ball in Hamas’ court to act. At a conference on Saturday, a message by Abbas that was played reiterated his precondition for returning to talks with Israel of releasing prisoners. He said the gesture would prove Israel’s commitment to peace talks. Fatah official Nabil Shaath said on Saturday that the Chinese should play a greater role in the peace process.