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AIPAC Ad Affair Spiraling into Lightning Rod for Anti-Israel Voices

The decision by Israel’s American lobby to withdraw and apologize for language it used in a paid Facebook ad is apparently growing into a lightning rod for anti-Israel voices. Rather than backing off following the ad fiasco in which the advertisement’s copy was seen by many as an attack on elected Democrats suggesting the party is anti-Semitic and prompting an apology, the organization began circulating a petition that reads, “It’s critical that we protect our Israeli allies especially as they face threats from Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS and – maybe more sinister – right here in the U.S. Congress.” This time the blowback was led by Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn) who has labeled AIPAC a “hate group.” The epithet brings the crumbling bipartisanism of the pro-Israel lobby to the fore and sets the stage for the sort of partisan bickering that AIPAC has historically managed to avoid.