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Arab League Throws Weight behind Palestinians’ Request to Allow PLO Office to Remain Open

In an effort to convince the American government not to close the Washington office of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Arab League has weighed in as a spokesman for the entire Arab world. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned on Friday that the line had been crossed triggering the law requiring the PLO office to close because the Palestinians were pursuing charges against Israel and Israelis at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. In reply, the Palestinian Authority said it would freeze all communication with the Trump administration. On Sunday, Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit reached out to Washington, apparently arguing the punitive move by the Americans would have a detrimental effect on efforts to jump-start the Israeli-Palestinian peace track. The Palestinians have warned that if the closure takes effect, Americans will be rendered unfit to assume the role of honest broker for the peace process.