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Bibi’s Embarrassment: Low Level Politician infiltrates most Intense Security Zone while Citizens Can’t Go Home

Given that the visit of President Donald Trump was one of the most intense and challenging security scenarios ever seen – more than 10,000 police officers supplementing the world’s two most celebrated secret services not to mention forty cargo planes filled with helicopters, armored limousines and untold specialized equipment – the infiltration by unauthorized low-level politicians to the super-secure tarmac area which set-up the buffoonery of parliamentarian Oren Hazan, of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s own Likud Party was nothing short of amazing. After stealing the seat designated for Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and refusing to relinquish it, Hazan draped himself around the president while the prime minister tried and failed to extricate his guest. All the while the unauthorized political wannabees were filing past police into the area where they didn’t belong. But elsewhere in the capital city, Jerusalemites didn’t fare as well. Every time the president and prime minister were on the move, residents were prevented from even walking to their homes. We were among those who had to stand around waiting for more than an hour for streets to open.