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Bush Explains Decision to Release Syrian Attack Details

U.S. President George W. Bush told a news conference on Tuesday that his decision to release information on Israel‘s September raid against a nascent nuclear facility after eight months was intended to send messages to North Korea, Syria and Iran. He said the message to Pyongyang was that, "We know more than you think." Bush said the message to Teheran – "and to the world for that matter" – was "just how destabilizing nuclear proliferation would be in the Middle East." While Syria clings to its insistence that the target Israel destroyed was not related to nuclear weapons ambitions, the American administration claims it was a nuclear facility as Israel described it, and that it was "within weeks of completion." Some Israeli officials have made it known that Israel is not pleased with the Bush decision to go public with details of the raid out of fear that sensitive intelligence assets and protocols would be jeopardized.