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Cease Fire Basically Holding on Israel, Gaza Border

The ceasefire Israel and Hamas say they didn’t negotiate with each other appears to be basically holding despite the targeted killing of a terrorist operative by Israel and the firing of several rockets by Palestinians. The dead man is a 34-year old commander of Islamic Jihad’s armed wing who was killed when a missile struck his car in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip near the border with Egypt. The four rockets that landed in Israel following the incident were not made much of by the Israelis, but the military reported two Palestinians were hit while launching mortar rounds on Wednesday.  Israel and Hamas have each taken the position that while they did not negotiate an agreement with each other, each side will not attack if the other doesn’t. Israel’s government has clearly decided that developing a working relationship with the new Egyptian leadership is more important than responding to a momentary flare-up: even one as serious as last Thursday’s three-pronged attack that cost eight Israeli lives.