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Celebrating Bedouin Valor and Tackling Campus Antisemitism: Insights From AGPI’s Avi Benlolo

In a compelling discussion [1] with Felice Friedson of The Media Line, Abraham “Avi” Benlolo, the founding chairman and CEO of the Abraham Global Peace Initiative (AGPI), sheds light on the organization’s recent efforts to honor Bedouin heroism and confront the rise of antisemitism in Canadian universities. Benlolo’s organization, inspired by the Abraham Accords, is dedicated to promoting peace, defending human rights, and fostering understanding across different communities without pushing any political agenda. Amidst the backdrop of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and now escalating tensions along the Israel-Lebanon border, the AGPI’s work has become increasingly vital.

Benlolo highlights the bravery of the Bedouins on October 7, who saved many Israeli lives, emphasizing the importance of recognizing such unsung heroes to strengthen bonds within Israeli society. Additionally, he addresses the alarming increase in antisemitism across Canadian campuses, as detailed in AGPI’s Canadian Universities 2024 Antisemitism Report Card. The conversation underscores the organization’s proactive stance in bridging divides and combatting misinformation through education and awareness.

This summary merely scratches the surface of Friedson and Benlolo’s insightful conversation. For a deeper understanding of AGPI’s impactful initiatives and Benlolo’s perspectives on current geopolitical challenges, readers are encouraged to explore the full article and video [1] on The Media Line’s website.