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Citing “Gratitude to US” Israel Quits UNESCO

Israel’s decision to withdraw from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was “gratitude to our best and greatest ally, the United States, and in particular to its head of state and to its excellent ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley,” according to Carmel Simcha Hacohen, the Israeli representative to UNESCO. The Israeli decision to pull out of the organization comes two months after the United States announced its departure while calling its “anti-Israel bias” the reason for pulling out. By UNESCO rules, such exits require a year to become final, so both nations will remain as members until the end of the coming year during which time the decision to leave could be reversed. Of note but not surprising was Hacohen’s singling out of US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley by name, while President Trump was mentioned as “head of state.” UNESCO is only one arm of the United Nations that has served as a cudgel to the Jewish state. Last week, following President Trump’s declaration that Jerusalem is the Israeli capital, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a non-binding resolution demanding that he withdraw his statement. Prior to that, the US cast its veto over a UN Security Council resolution condemning the Trump position by a vote of 14 to 1.
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