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‘Flags In’ Tradition Continues at Arlington for Memorial Day

As we observe Memorial Day in the United States, it is a time to honor and respect the sacrifices of servicemen and servicewomen who have defended our freedoms. Members of the Army’s oldest active-infantry unit, the 3rd Infantry Regiment, also known as The Old Guard, placed flags at graves in Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday morning. This tradition, known as “Flags In,” has been held annually since 1948. Nearly 1,500 soldiers took four hours to place flags at more than 260,000 headstones and 7,000 rows in the columbarium.

At The Media Line, we are committed to providing free and fair journalism on the Middle East. This mission is deeply connected to the principles of freedom embodied in the Bill of Rights, especially the First Amendment. The freedom of the press is a cornerstone of democracy, allowing us to report truthfully and fairly on issues that matter. The sacrifices made by our military personnel ensure these freedoms remain protected, even in the face of global threats.

Without a free press and other First Amendment protections, democracy cannot thrive. Without the protection of a vigorous national defense, which sometimes requires the ultimate sacrifice, these freedoms cannot be safeguarded. As we reflect on Memorial Day, we acknowledge the bravery of those who fought for these ideals and recommit ourselves to upholding the values they defended.