- The Media Line - https://themedialine.org -

Gaza Mecca Pilgrims Again Caught in Factional Squeeze

For the second year, residents of the Gaza Strip wishing to fulfill their religious obligation to make a pilgrimage to Mecca – the Hajj – are being caught in the internecine fighting between the Hamas and Fatah Palestinian factions. Saudi Arabia, the host nation, requires would-be pilgrims to register in order to be accepted within the quota of pilgrims allowed. But the Saudis are cooperating with the Fatah-affiliated government of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mahmoud ‘Abbas, based in Ramallah, where the registration procedure is based, effectively cutting off Gazans from the process. Although a quota of 2,300 from Gaza exists, the Saudis have not approved any request processed there. The West Bank quota is 5,700.