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Gaza Power Plant Uses up Fuel before Deal with Egypt Completed

The supply of fuel for the Gaza power station that arrived from Israel on Friday has been used up before a deal for Egypt to provide a six-month supply could be completed. As a result, the power plant went dark on Sunday morning. In mid-February, Egypt cut-off the fuel supply that was arriving in Gaza through tunnels causing the sole power plant to shut down operations four times since. A delegation of officials from the Hamas government that rules the Gaza Strip and officials from the Palestinian Authority which pays the majority share of the cost of Gaza’s fuel arrived in Cairo over the weekend to negotiate a deal to purchase a six-month supply of fuel. But the deal has not closed because of funding issues and the insistence by Hamas that it be delivered through the Rafah crossing in order to keep Israel out of the mix. That demand is unfeasible because Rafah lacks the facilities necessary for transferring fuel. Meanwhile, the PA is reaching out to the European Union and the Islamic Development Fund for money to cover the cost of fuel. Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said the Hamas government is failing to collect payments for electricity that are supposed to cover the Hamas share of the fuel costs.