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Hamas Angry at President Trump for calling it a Terrorist Organization

Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip are reportedly livid with President Trump for including it in a list of terrorist organizations last Saturday in Riyadh. Two weeks after the faction revealed a new charter that uses softer language but forcefully reiterated the words of the original: that Israel should be destroyed, Hamas bigwigs resent Trump’s inclusion of Hamas while addressing leaders of 50 Arab and Muslim majority nations last Saturday in Riyadh. He told the guests of Saudi King Salman that, “No description of the suffering and depravity can begin to capture its full measure. The true toll of ISIS, Al-Qai’da, Hizbullah, Hamas, and so many others, must be counted not only in the number of dead. It must also be counted in generations of vanished dreams.” Spokesmen for Hamas and other organizations designated “terrorist” accused Trump of being an advocate for Israel and admonished that “resistance is not terror.” Protests against joining an American-sponsored peace process were heard and effigies of President Trump were burned in the streets.