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Hamas Delegation to Tehran Seeks ‘Defense Alliance’ against Israel

A Hamas delegation to Tehran, headed by the deputy chairman of the terror group’s politburo, is reportedly pursuing a “joint defense alliance” with the Islamic Republic and other members of the “axis of resistance” against Israel. While Hamas is a Sunni organization spawned from the Muslim Brotherhood, Shi’ite Iran and its closest allies – Hizbullah in Lebanon and Bashar-al Assad in Syria – have in the recent past worked toward strengthening their ability to both launch attacks against Israel and defend against them. Indeed, the Ayatollahs have essentially forgiven Hamas for coming out against al-Assad at the beginning of the civil war, a decision that was most likely precipitated by the large presence in southern Syria of Palestinians – thousands of whom were reportedly killed during regime attacks on the Yarmouk refugee camp that had come under Islamic State rule. Despite the setback in ties, Iran continues to provide tens of millions of dollars in military aid to Hamas, although relations between the Gaza Strip’s rulers and Damascus remain somewhat frayed. During their visit, Hamas officials met with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who described the Palestinian issue as the “first and most important” in the Islamic world, adding that “victory will not be achieved without resistance and struggle.”