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Hizbullah Chief Threatens “Nuclear-like” Attack on Haifa

Speaking from the safety of his underground bunker, Sheikh Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned on Tuesday that “several of our rockets” aimed at the ammonia storage facility in the northern Israeli city of Haifa will combine “to create the effect of a nuclear weapon.” Nasrallah taunted that it would take Israeli forces days to wipe out the southern suburbs of Beirut which is home to Hizbullah, but that his terrorist troops could target all of Haifa and kill “tens of thousands of [Israelis].” In a tongue-in-cheek response, Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav welcomed what he called Nasrallah’s apparent assistance to the city’s effort to clean up its environment. Yahav was quoted by the Associated Press as saying said he was “happy for the help” in putting the environmental issue on the public agenda “even if it arrives from a frightened man hiding in his bunker.” Nasrallah also declared that his military forces would remain in Syria fighting on behalf of President Assad for as long as it is necessary to protect the regime.