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Hizbullah Again Sits in Lebanese Government

The Iranian-backed terrorist organization Hizbullah, which has so-called “political” and “military” manifestations in its host country, Lebanon, is again a member of the Lebanese government — this time holding two seats in the 30-seat cabinet. The governing body was approved on Wednesday by the 92 members of the 128-seat assembly who attended the session. Most of the political factions are represented in the unity government that will be headed by Prime Minister Saad Hariri. Hizbullah’s place in the government could become a divisive issue in US-Lebanese relations because, as is always pointed out by members of the US Congress when speaking of Hamas becoming part of a possible Palestinian unity government, the law prohibits providing US aid to entities listed on the State Department list of terrorist organizations as are Hamas and Hizbullah. Nevertheless, the same lawmakers who raise the issue regarding the Palestinian example have remained silent even as the Lebanese army receives military aid and materiel from the United States government. Long-expressed fears that the American military equipment provided to the Lebanese army — including weapons — will no doubt reach the hands of Hizbullah terrorists appear to have been confirmed this month when Israel said it will furnish proof that Hizbullah fighters in Syria are using materiel supplied to the Lebanese army by the US. Washington’s latest military shipment, valued at $50 million and delivered in August, included armored personnel carriers, tanks, and artillery pieces.