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Incessant Incapacitating Instructions Increasingly Irritate Inoculated Israelis

Israel on Sunday continued its massive vaccination effort, as nearly 100,000 more people received the coronavirus shot, bringing the total number of those getting inoculated since operation “Lending a Shoulder” began last week to almost 400,000. Still, not everything has gone smoothly, with the nation’s largest teachers union going on strike demanding to be prioritized on the vaccination list, and several mayors vowing not to uphold the country’s total shutdown announced by the government. On Sunday evening, thanks to rising infection figures and serious cases, Israel entered its third national lockdown, as businesses and schools were shuttered indefinitely and civilians were barred from leaving their homes except for emergencies. Yet on Monday, public outcry, as well as some hand-twisting by opposition lawmakers, forced the government to significantly water down limitations, as some schools were exempt from the closure and certain places of business were allowed to open on a limited capacity.