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International Community Urging Abbas to Return to Table without Preconditions

The refusal by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to return to the negotiating table opposite Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu until his preconditions are met is apparently wearing thin within the international community. An unnamed Palestinian official was quoted by an Italian news agency as saying that a succession of envoys from many nations has brought Abbas the same message: comply with Secretary of State Kerry’s requests to return to talking. Abbas has refused to sit with Netanyahu since the Israeli came to power four years ago insisting that it could not happen until Israel commits to halt all building inside of its communities located on land Israel acquired in the 1967 war; accept the pre-1967 borders as the starting point; and release as many as 1,500 prisoners. On Saturday, Abbas addressed a meeting of the World Economic Forum on the Jordanian side of the Dead Sea and called for international investment in Palestine. Abbas said peace with Israel is still possible if it is based on the Road Map peace plan and the Arab Initiative. He said, “Everybody knows we have committed to the agreements we signed and we have already fulfilled our obligations.”