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Iraq Loses FIFA-Sanctioned Soccer Because of Government Sectarian Fighting

Iraqi soccer fans are losing their nation’s ability to participate in play sanctioned by FIFA, soccer’s international governing organization, because of sectarian fighting over the sport by government agencies. The Iraqi Football Association is controlled by Sunnis Muslims while the Olympic Committee and government officials represent Shia Muslims. Both sects continue to fight for control of the sport. In response, FIFA has banned Iraqi teams from all international play. Several months ago, The Media Line reported on the first international competition to be held in Iraq since the American-led invasion in 2003. But FIFA’s emergency committee issued a statement suspending all play due to “governmental interference.” It singled out “measures taken by the Olympic Committee and security forces” as being “unacceptable to Fifa as they stand in total contradiction of FIFA and Fifa statutes.” The ruling bars Iraqi teams from playing against foreign teams at home or abroad.