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Israel Opens Diplomatic Front against Hizbullah Activity in Southern Lebanon

Those who agreed with candidate Donald Trump’s assertion that the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement was “the worst deal ever” might not recall United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 which ended the 2006 Second Lebanon War. If reminders are in order, Israel has opened a diplomatic front to expose and seek international action against the elaborate preparations for resumed hostilities that have been and are being carried out by Iranian-proxy terrorists of the Lebanon-based Hizbullah. Despite the agreed-upon requirement that Hizbullah stay north of the Litani River, the Israeli military has distributed a video in which it documents Hizbullah’s copious presence throughout the off-limits areas, often in the guise of a fictitious organization called “Green without Borders” which the terrorists use as a front for their activities. While the video exposes observation towers and intelligence gathering, there is also the matter of tunnels running beneath the area from which Hizbullah can launch raids and mobilize its forces; and the existence of some 100,000 rockets known to be pointed into the Jewish state. Hizbullah chief Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah is seen in the footage. Virtually all of the massive re-building of Hizbullah’s battle-tested fighting force and amassing of its world-class arsenal has come in contravention of Resolution 1701.