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Israel To Use Kerem Shalom Crossing for Gaza Aid Shipments

The Israeli military announced on Monday that it would commence operations at the Kerem Shalom crossing in southern Israel from Tuesday for security checks on aid shipments to Gaza. This move aims to expedite the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

Currently, all aid trucks undergo inspection at Israel’s Nitzana crossing, leading to delays in transporting essential items like water, food, medical supplies, and shelter equipment into Gaza. Located over 40 km from the Rafah border crossing, the sole point of aid entry between Egypt and Gaza, Nitzana has been the primary inspection site.

The opening of Kerem Shalom, which is closer to Rafah, is expected to enhance the volume of security screening and double the humanitarian aid entering Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) clarified that no supplies would be directly delivered from Israel to Gaza.

After inspection at these crossings, aid trucks will be handed over to international organizations in Gaza through the Rafah crossing. Elad Goren, head of the IDF’s Civil Department of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, said Israel permitted up to 250 aid trucks into Gaza daily before the opening of Kerem Shalom.