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Israeli Air Strikes Kill 13 in Gaza City

Thirteen Palestinians, including a 13-year old girl, died in Israeli air strikes on Gaza City early Wednesday morning. While most media coverage has moved to the Israel-Hizbullah conflict in Lebanon, Israel’s siege of the Gaza Strip is now in its fifth week. It began when a raiding party consisting of members of three terrorist groups crossed into Israeli territory on June 25 and captured an Israeli soldier. Since that time, 134 Palestinians have died as Israeli forces search for missing Cpl. Gilad Shalit and work to silence the ongoing barrages of Qassam rockets that are fired from Gaza into Israel. Palestinian spokesman Sa’ib ‘Ariqat, a top aide to Chairman Mahmoud ‘Abbas, issued a plea to the world not to lose sight of the situation in the Palestinian Authority while media focuses on Lebanon. He called for international intervention.