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Israeli General Confirms More Than One Hundred Missions Flown Against Arms Convoys in Syria

A senior figure in the Israeli military has for the first time confirmed the widely-held belief that Israel has flown more than 100 missions during the past five years that targeted arms shipments arriving in Syria and being transported to Iranian-proxy Hizbullah in Lebanon and other terrorist groups on its borders. The daily Haaretz is quoting outgoing air force chief Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel as providing the figure, which until now has only been a source of speculation despite admissions by senior figures including Prime Minister Netanyahu that the Jewish state was, at times, responsible for neutralizing specific arms convoys. Eshel was quoted as asserting that the policy of exact targeting prevented the launching of full-scale warfare. On Thursday, the Israeli news portal YNet published a video of Israeli naval vessels returning from patrol in the Red Sea where they “sailed past Pakistani and Egyptian war ships” as they sought out arms shipments en route to Hizbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.