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Israeli Lawmaker Seek Reversal of Plan to Build Units for Palestinians

Israeli lawmakers are trying to un-do a 2016 plan to build some 14,000 housing units for Palestinian citizens of Israel. The effort is being spearheaded by Prime Minister’s Likud faction, whose members are complaining that when the decision was made, most of their faction members were absent so that only 40% of the cabinet approved the concept. One Likud leader, Tourism Minister Yariv Levin argued that the decision is contrary to government policy and should be scrapped. The organization of residents of Israeli communities in the West Bank are also demanding that the cabinet re-open the debate and put an end to the plan. The idea was advanced by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, a former confidant of Prime Minister Netanyahu who is controversial to both the right and left. Lieberman suggested allowing the Palestinians more control over what the 1993 Oslo Accords designated as “Area C,” meaning Israel has both administrative and security control. At the time, Lieberman was advocating a plan whereby the Palestinians would be given more autonomy as the level of violence wanes. The Palestinians argue the 60% of West Bank land in area C prevents them from attaining any sort of territorial contiguity and is therefore an obstacle to eventual statehood.