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Israeli Officials Dismiss Kerry’s Threat, albeit anonymously

Israeli media is reporting terse, unequivocal rejections by Israeli officials of US Secretary of State John Kerry’s most recent warning — that Israel will take the blame if Congress fails to approve the Iranian nuclear deal and the result will be increased isolation – but in most cases, those offering the comments do so only under the cloak of anonymity. Typical of the government response is offered by Haaretz’s Barak Ravid, one of Israel’s most respected journalists, who quotes an “unnamed official” as saying, “Attempts to prevent Israel from expressing its position will not stop us from saying what we think about this bad deal with Iran which threatens Israel’s security.” Meanwhile, in the United States, there is nothing anonymous about the efforts of Israel’s Ambassador Ron Dermer to prevent Congressional approval of the Iran deal, who is, as expected, focusing his attention on Democrats whose cross-over votes are necessary in order to override the veto promised by President Obama. Dermer is reportedly telling lawmakers that the US will not permit Iran to develop a nuclear weapon with or without a formal agreement.