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Mubarak Meets Barak; Urges Israel to be ‘More Serious’

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak met in Alexandria on Tuesday for talks concerning the situation in the Gaza Strip and negotiations for the return of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abu Gheit said in a statement afterward that Mubarak told Barak that Israel needed to "work seriously" and be "more positive" in talks with the Palestinians. Barak’s primary interest was Shalit. Ever since Israel concluded the prisoner swap deal with Hizbullah, Hamas has been encouraged to squeeze more out of the Israelis. Shalit has been a prisoner of Hamas since June 2006. The Egyptian’s reportedly told Israel that they hoped to have an agreement regarding Shalit by "the end of the year." On Thursday, Shalit will turn 22 and observe his third birthday in captivity. Rallies on his behalf are scheduled to be held in various locations throughout Israel.