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NY Times: Trump Gave Russia info Israel Provided on Laptop Explosives

The New York Times has released what it claims are the details of the now famous incident in which President Donald Trump was alleged to have shared with Russia highly classified intelligence information provided by a third party. The newspaper, basing its report on the word of an anonymous figure identified only as “a US official,” said the intel was obtained by Israel’s hacking of ISIS computers, that the Israelis had shared it with the US and that the information was about advanced explosives that could be passed-off as batteries used in laptop computers. When the story broke, it was immediately assumed that Israel was the third party and that Israeli officials were enraged at their human assets being left vulnerable. It was also feared that the intel could be shared with Iran. As a result of the intelligence information, some countries including the United Kingdom and United States banned the taking of laptops into the passenger cabins on flights from a number of Arab nations.