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Oil Hits $140

[Friday Analysis] Crude oil passed another milestone on Thursday when the cost of a barrel climbed above $140 for the first time. It leaves most consumers longing for the day not too long ago when they were complaining that oil had jumped from $60 to $80 in a matter of weeks. Pundits say the reason for the latest rise was because of comments made by the oil producers’ organization OPEC, warning that a barrel will probably cost $170 in the near future. Stock market values plummeted immediately after the remark was publicized. Yesterday’s news just reinforces the current volatility of the oil market. The fact that a one-off comment could have such an effect on pricing is itself cause for further instability and yet more climbs in barrel costs. A matter of a year ago prices would rise on news of a pipeline bombing in Iraq or an attack on an oil installation in Nigeria, but these days a mere sneeze by an industry official leads to a full-blown case of pneumonia across the sector.