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Palestinians Angry and Fearful of Proposed Israeli Bill to Purchase West Bank Land

Palestinians are expressing anger at the submission of legislation in the Knesset that would allow Jewish Israelis to purchase land located in the West Bank that the Palestinians claim for their state-in-waiting. Fear is also being expressed that what would not have caused excessive concern in the past is now a genuine threat because of the attitude and actions of the Trump administration. The bill, sponsored by a member of the right-wing Jewish Home party, would allow any non-Arab or foreign citizen to purchase land in the Oslo Accords-designated “Area C” – West Bank land that falls to Israeli administrative and security control and which the Palestinians have been lobbying the international community for help in getting the Israelis to allow the Palestinians to build infrastructure. Resentment aimed at Washington spiraled with President Trump’s declaration that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and his alleged complacence with Israeli building in the West Bank.