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Pizza not-to-go in Rochester, New York: Shop Owner gets 22-Years for Helping ISIS

Pizza ordered from Mufid Elfgeeh’s pizza shop in Rochester, New York, might be delivered about 22 ½ years late after the 32-year old Yemeni-born immigrant was sentenced to that time in prison for his efforts aimed at recruiting fighters for the Islamic State (ISIS). Elfgeeh was arrested in May 2014, and pleaded guilty to charges that he worked on behalf of the global terrorist organization in the years 2013 and 2014. In addition to recruiting fighters, he also purchased two handguns he said were to be used to kill American soldiers returning from the Middle East. If Elfgeeh can be believed, the brutality of ISIS proved to be too much for him to bear. In a statement read to the court, Elfgeeh condemned the group, saying that, “I watched ISIS carry out acts of violence, such as beheadings and burning people alive. They say they do this for religion, I believe they are wrong.”