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PM Netanyahu Interrogated By Police Over New Evidence In Graft Probe

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was again questioned by police on Tuesday in a high-profile graft probe, after new testimony from a state’s witness reportedly implicated the premier in an illicit quid pro quo deal. In what has become known as Case 4000, Prime Minister Netanyahu is suspected of orchestrating positive media coverage for himself from the owner of the popular Walla news site, Shaul Elovitch, who is the controlling shareholder of the Bezeq communications giant. In return, Netanyahu allegedly helped Bezeq buy the Israeli satellite cable provider Yes while overriding any anti-trust issues raised by officials. According to reports, Nir Hefetz, a former media adviser to the premier who turned state’s witness in March, told authorities that both his former boss and Elovitch were fully aware that they were acting outside of the law. The suspicions—and now possibly evidence—against the Israeli premier in the Bezeq probe are far more serious than the accusations in two other cases, in which police in February recommended that Netanyahu be indicted for fraud, breach of trust, and bribery. In Case 1000, the prime minister is accused of accepting lavish gifts in return for providing favors to wealthy benefactors, whereas in Case 2000 he allegedly sought to trade positive newspaper coverage for benefits to Yediot Ahronot owner Arnon Mozes.