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President Trump Expands Upon Promise to Cut-Off Those Who Don’t Support US

The reaction President Trump articulated regarding nations that accept American aid but fail to reciprocate after the United Nations General Assembly vote on an anti-Israel resolution is destined to remain US policy. In his first State of the Union address Tuesday night, the president announced that he’s asking Congress to legislate that, “American foreign assistance dollars always serve American interests and only go to friends of America, not enemies of America.” The president quantified what he obviously sees as money ill-spent at some $20 billion. Regarding his controversial declaration of recognition that Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Israel, President Trump reminded those listening that what he said was unanimously approved by the Senate a short time ago. One other issue of particular interest to the foreign audience was the Iranian nuclear agreement. To that end, he said he is asking Congress for legislation that would “address the fundamental flaws in the terrible Iran nuclear deal,” albeit without elaborating on how he would do that. Terrorists world-wide were put on notice that their address after being captured alive by American forces would be ‘Gitmo,’ the notorious prison in Guantanamo Bay.