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“Red-Line” Debate between US and Israel Continues with Panetta vs. Netanyahu

The argument between the United States and Israel over the importance of establishing redlines in order to convince Iran the West is serious about preventing Tehran from creating nuclear weapons continues to breathe a life of its own within the context of the issue of an Iranian nuclear threat. The most recent chapter featured an interview in which US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was dismissive of the entire matter, telling Foreign Policy magazine that leaders of countries don’t have “a bunch of little red lines that determine their decisions. What they have are facts that are presented to them about what a country is up to, and then they weigh what kind of action is needed to be taken in order to deal with that situation. I mean, that’s the real world.” Panetta went on to try to minimize the perceived friction between the US and Israel over the issue. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu used the American Sunday news programs to reiterate what he sees as the imperative of drawing redlines. He told the networks that, “Since the advent of nuclear weapons you’ve had countries that have had access to nuclear weapons who always made a careful calculation of cost and benefit but Iran is guided by a leadership with an unbelievable fanaticism. It’s the same fanaticism that you see storming your embassies today. You want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?”  Meanwhile, the Gallup organization spelled disappointment for pro-Romney voters who have strongly opined that the Obama – Netanyahu friction will cut deeply into the traditional Jewish support for the Democratic candidate. A newly-released poll found a very typical level of support — 70% — for President Obama compared to the 78% he received in the 2008 election, Republican candidate Mitt Romney has apparently not been able to rise above the 25% of the Jewish vote John McCain received.