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Saudi Arabia To Quadruple Job Offers to Sri Lankans in 2023

Saudi Arabia is willing to take up to 200,000 Sri Lankan workers in 2023, Sri Lankan Labor and Foreign Employment Minister Manusha Nanayakkara said on Tuesday. This is nearly four times as many jobs as Saudi Arabia offered to workers from the island nation in 2022, when Riyadh provided 54,000 jobs.

More than 300,000 Sri Lankans worked in foreign jobs in 2022, most in the Middle East. Remittances from migrant workers are one of the main sources of foreign revenue for Sri Lanka; in 2022, Sri Lankans working abroad remitted $3.8 billion, according to the country’s central bank.

According to data from the Sri Lankan Bureau of Foreign Employment, the top countries that employ Sri Lankan foreign workers are Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and Malaysia. These countries employ the majority of Sri Lankan foreign workers in the Middle East and Asia.