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SecState Tillerson Snitched-on by Underlings

The Reuters news agency has uncovered a series of events in which officials at the State Department snitched on the boss, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, for his use of an administrative mechanism to facilitate the provision of aid to Iraq, Afghanistan and Myanmar. Citing what Reuters calls a “confidential memo,” the agency reports that 12 State Department officials filed a formal “dissent memo” after Tillerson omitted the three nations from his list of countries that conscript children into their armies – even though he had previously accused them publicly of doing so. The motivation was apparently to avoid impairing the ability to provide US military aid to those particular nations which might very well have been the case if they were on the list. According to Reuters, Tillerson, who was at odds with virtually all of those who weigh in on such decisions, was accused of violating US law and undermining the credibility of State Department reports.