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Swine Flu Cases Confirmed in Israel

Israel’s Ministry of Health has confirmed that cases of swine flu have reached the country. One victim identified as carrying the disease arrived from Mexico aboard an El Al flight several days ago. The 49-year old man has been hospitalized in isolation and authorities report that he is doing well. A 9-year old boy who was also on the El Al flight has been hospitalized and is also said to be doing well. Officials are reaching out to others who have flown in from Mexico — and in particular those who were aboard the same flight as the two victims – to seek medical help if they develop symptoms of the flu. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has assigned the Defense Ministry the task of organizing the nation’s preventive measures against swine flu. As reported here on Tuesday, Israel’s Deputy Health Minister Dov Litzman – a "haredi" Jew – ordered the disease referred to as "Mexican flu" because of the unkosher nature of swine. Mexico’s ambassador to Israel filed a formal complaint with the Israeli Foreign Ministry, saying the edict offended his countrymen. The Israelis replied that the disease will, indeed, be called "swine flu" notwithstanding the deputy minister’s objection, and apologized for the perceived slur. Nevertheless, for different reasons, American officials apparently agree with Litzman. They are trying to dispel the belief that the disease is carried by food as the pork industry is showing signs of suffering from the automatic connection to pork products.