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The Media Line Daily News Focus

1. PALESTINIANS POSTPONE REFORM TALKS…The Palestinian Legislative Council postponed a meeting on Tuesday that was scheduled to demand reforms in the Palestinian Authority. Unofficially, Palestinian politicians said the meeting was called off because Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat had reneged on his promise to implement widespread reforms in the administration of the Palestinians. An official spokesman said the postponement was to allow politicians time to participate in a day of solidarity with hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

2. AXE-WIELDING ARAB KILLED BY ISRAELI SOLDIER…An Israeli soldier shot and killed an Israeli Arab who attacked him with an axe, according to the Israel Defense Forces. The attack took place at the entrance to an army base in northern Israel. While the matter is still being investigated, Israeli sources say the attack was in sympathy with the Palestinians.

3. ISRAELI-ARAB MUNICIPALITIES STAGE 24-HOUR STRIKE…Municipalities in Israeli-Arab towns held a one-day strike on Tuesday, to protest planned budget cuts and the abolition of some local authorities. Some 60 councils took part in the action. Many employees have not been paid wages in months. The budget cuts and the merger of local authorities are not restricted to the Arab community.

4. LABOR LEADERS TO MEET…The leaders of Israel’s main opposition Labor Party are meeting on Wednesday to try to resolve the differences between several camps within the party. The meeting follows days of accusations and counter-accusations, after temporary party leader Shimon Peres made it clear he does not intend stepping down in the short term. Peres is also pushing for Labor to enter the government, even though Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Likud party voted last week against Labor joining the coalition