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The Media Line Daily News Focus

1. EU SET TO ADD HIZBULLAH TO TERROR LIST…The European Union is to discuss later this week adding Hizbullah to its list of terrorist organizations. The debate comes as the Syrian- and Iranian-backed organization has reportedly threatened to assassinate Palestinian leader Mahmoud ‘Abbas. Hizbullah has called on Hamas and Islamic Jihad not to observe the cease-fire announced last week by ‘Abbas and Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

2. ISRAEL PRESSURES FRANCE ON IRAN, SYRIA…Israel’s Foreign Minister Sylvan Shalom is in France for talks on the threats from Syria and Iran. He is meeting top officials, including President Jacques Chirac. Paris has comparatively good ties with Damascus and Tehran. Shalom hopes the French can persuade Syria to end its support for terrorism and its occupation of Lebanon. Jerusalem is also calling for international action as it believes Iran is continuing to develop nuclear weapons.

3. ISRAEL TO FREE 500 PRISONERS FROM THIS WEEK…Israel’s Justice Ministry is posting the names of 500 Palestinian prisoners on its Internet site on Monday. The list was approved during Sunday’s cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. Members of the public are being given two days to lodge any objections to names on the list. After that, the prisoners will be returned to the West Bank or Gaza. Some in the Palestinian Authority have expressed dissatisfaction with Israel’s gesture, saying most of the prisoners were soon due to be released.

4. RIGHT ACCUSES SHARON OF SCAREMONGERING…As the Israeli media is full of discussion about possible attacks on top politicians, far-right activists say the debate was begun by staff members in Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s bureau. The media is filled with reports that hawks opposed to Sharon’s Gaza-withdrawal plan are planning physical attacks on government ministers. Now, the activists say the entire debate has been created in order to delegitimize their campaign against the withdrawal.

5. CASINO SET TO REOPEN…The Palestinian Authority’s biggest earner is set to reopen, four years after the violence forced management to close its doors. The Jericho casino is planning a relaunch as Israeli soldiers prepare to move out of the area. Most of the casino’s customers were Israelis who were unable to reach the area because of the violence.