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The Media Line Sunday News Roundup

1. PALESTINIANS ADMIT RECEIVED DEATH THREATS…Palestinian officials have received threats against the life of Palestinian leader Mahmoud ‘Abbas, according to a series of media reports. The warnings have come from the Iranian- and Syrian-backed terrorist organization Hizbullah. Ahead of last week’s cease-fire agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, Israeli intelligence warned that Hizbullah was planning to scupper the talks by launching attacks against Israeli targets.

2. JERICHO PULLOUT IMMINENT…Israeli soldiers are expected to leave the Jericho area this week as part of the first stage of a pullback of Israeli troops from five Palestinian cities. Troops will also leave a second, as yet unnamed, city during the week. The details are expected to be finalized during a meeting on Sunday between top officials from both sides.

3. HAMAS, ISLAMIC JIHAD STILL AWAITING ISRAELI MOVES…The leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad have repeated they are temporarily observing a truce with Israel, but will only make it permanent if Israel meets certain conditions. The two terrorist organizations are demanding the release of hundreds of prisoners and an end to targeted killings against their members. The demands were laid out during a meeting on Saturday night with Palestinian leader Mahmoud ‘Abbas.

4. ISRAEL EXPECTED TO ALLOW BETHLEHEM HOSTAGE-TAKERS TO RETURN HOME…Israel is expected to agree to allow the homecoming of 13 Palestinian terrorists who held hostage more than 50 people in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity in 2002. In addition, Israel is likely to allow more than 50 Palestinians to return to the West Bank from Gaza. The men were expelled after Israel said they participated in terror acts. All those returning would have to sign a pledge not to take part in future attacks on Israelis. The details will be finalized during a meeting between Israeli and Palestinian officials slated for Monday.

5. POLICE SET TO INCREASE PROTECTION OF VIPS…Israel’s senior police officers are meeting on Sunday to discuss how to better protect top Israeli politicians when they make public appearances. In the last week both Education Minister Limor Livnat and Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu have been jeered at and threatened by hostile groups opposed to the Gaza-withdrawal plan. Two other ministers received threatening letters.

6. GERMAN DM OFFERS TROOPS FOR MIDEAST…Germany’s defense minister says his country is ready to send soldiers to the Middle East as part of any NATO peacekeeping force. Peter Struck made the comment after NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer suggested the alliance could have a role to play in the search for peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. The Media Line analysts say it is highly unlikely Israel would allow German soldiers entry given the sensitive nature of the issue of German forces for many Israelis and Jews.

7. ISRAEL MULLS PALESTINIAN GAS PURCHASE…The Israeli daily Haaretz is reporting Israel may well decide to buy natural gas from the Palestinian Authority. The idea was reportedly discussed during a meeting last week between Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer. In return, Israel would provide the Palestinians with electricity and water.