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Time: FBI Investigating Top Democrat and AIPAC

Time Magazine is reporting that the FBI is investigating whether California Congresswoman Jane Harman enlisted the assistance of AIPAC, the American lobby for Israel, in order to retain her position as top democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. Time says Harman is suspected of having AIPAC activate its big political givers to pressure House DemocraticLeader Nancy Pelosi to make the reappointment at a time she was considering replacing Harman with Alcee Hastings. The magazine says the investigation is looking into "whether, in exchange for the help from AIPAC, Harman agreed to help try to persuade the Administration to go lighter on the AIPAC officials caught up in the ongoing investigation." Two former top AIPAC staffers are set to go on trial for violation of the Espionage Act. Harman and AIPAC deny any wrongdoing and any knowledge that there is an investigation underway.