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United Nations Funding Campaign For Palestinian Authority Raises Israeli Eyebrows

The United Nations has launched a $350 million appeal to “address critical humanitarian needs” of some 1.4 Palestinians. The funds raised, about 80 percent of which will be diverted to the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, are earmarked, in principle, for 203 projects to be implemented by 88 organizations. The initiative is raising eyebrows in Israel given that the money requested is roughly equivalent to the amount paid by the Palestinian Authority in 2018 to jailed terrorists and to the families of “martyrs.” The so-called “pay-for-slay” policy prompted the United States Congress earlier this year to pass the Taylor Force Act—named after an American killed in a Palestinian terror attack in Tel Aviv—which suspends aid to the PA so long as it continues making the disbursements. The Israeli parliament recently passed similar legislation to deduct the amount Ramallah pays out as part of the program from the taxes and tariffs Jerusalem collects on behalf of the PA. Israeli leaders repeatedly have accused PA President Mahmoud Abbas of promoting terrorism by offering financial incentives to commit attacks.