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West Bank Crossing to Jordan Shuttered over Coronavirus

The Israeli Defense Ministry body responsible for coordinating with the Palestinians announced that the Allenby border crossing between the West Bank and Jordan would be shut to travelers amid fears of a coronavirus outbreak. It added that Palestinians already in Jordan would be given the opportunity to return to the West Bank, where cities, primarily Bethlehem, the epicenter of the crisis there, are on lockdown after at least 29 infections were confirmed. The Palestinian Authority has declared a state of emergency. Meanwhile, the number of cases has risen to nearly 60 in Israel, which has imposed restrictions requiring all travelers from across the globe to self-quarantine for two weeks upon entry into the country. According to Israeli media reports, the Finance Ministry estimates that the move will cost the nation $1.4 billion a month. Nevertheless, Israel’s Central Bank predicted that the country’s overall growth would slow by only 0.7% and that the financial strain would subside by the end of June.