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Yair Golan Elected New Leader of Israel’s Struggling Labor Party

Yair Golan achieved a sweeping victory in the Labor party primary on Tuesday, winning 95.15% of the vote, but faces an uphill battle to restore the party’s relevance. In a detailed report [1], correspondent Keren Setton and I explore Golan’s ascent and the Labor party’s uncertain future.

Maj. Gen. Golan, a former deputy minister, Knesset member, and deputy chief of the Israeli military, now steps into the shoes of legendary leaders like Golda Meir and Yitzhak Rabin. Despite his overwhelming victory within the party, over long-time Labor activist Azi Nagar, billionaire socialist Avi Shaked, and attorney Itai Leshem, who each garnered less than 2% of the vote, it remains to be seen whether he can unite what is left of the Israeli left and attract significant support in a general election.

Only 31,353 Labor members, representing 60.6% of eligible voters, participated in the primary. Golan plans to unite Labor with other leftist groups, combat corruption, and build a viable ruling party. However, with the party polling below the 3.25% electoral threshold, its future in the Knesset is uncertain.

Social activist Dina Dayan and former Knesset Speaker Avrum Burg voiced skepticism about the party’s future, highlighting its disconnect from contemporary issues and the electorate’s rightward shift. The ongoing conflict with Hamas has further marginalized the traditional left, raising doubts about its comeback.

Read the full article [1] for a comprehensive look at Golan’s plans and the challenges ahead.