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Iraqi Society: Between Wealth-chasers and Fundamentalists

Al-Mada, Iraq, January 8

Presently, we are witnessing a violent clash between two types of people: those who believe in markets and those who believe in tribes. The former’s personality is a product of the global capitalist environment and is directly shaped by the economic practices of modern society. This personality only cares about financial success and wellbeing and lacks the ability to empathize, let alone form deep connections with others. Perhaps the most prominent model of this character is the current American President Donald Trump. Trump is a man who isn’t governed by values, obligations, identity, or honesty. His only motivation is his personal interest and profit. In his world view, everything is a commodity up for sale to the highest bidder. Meanwhile, the tribal personality refuses to accept the modern world. This personality is guided by loyalty to the tribe and outdated social constructs, without any aspirations to change things in the future. This person clings to a past historical moment and dreams that it will once again return. The problem is that both these personalities are dangerous. In the eyes of the first group, people are commodities, while in the eyes of the second, they are slaves. For the first, God takes the form of financial success, while for the second, God takes the form of a centralized authority. Both groups are fully prepared to fight for their beliefs and sacrifice themselves on the altar of their so-called gods. The only possible solution is to reject both. We will only be able to move forward once we put these two dogmatic beliefs behind us and look beyond the ideological illusions that guide them. There is no doubt that this will not happen with mere words, but only with hard work, bitter struggle, and continuous radical revolutions. All of these are painful, yet necessary, if we want to live in peace and security in Iraq. –Luay Khazaal Jabr