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Israel is Leading the World into a Global War

After the Oct. 7 events, several Western nations expressed their support for the Israeli government. They strongly condemned the heinous acts of violence that resulted in the death and abduction of innocent civilians. This outpouring of support gave Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a chance to boost his dwindling popularity. He took advantage of the situation to rally his government and reassure them that Israel would not face this crisis alone. He claimed that international powers would stand by and aid Israel until the safe return of the hostages, conveniently ignoring the fact that Israel has a long history of waging war against the Palestinian people, long before the events of Oct. 7. The Israeli government’s recent war in the Gaza Strip has crossed all moral and ethical boundaries. In a month-long response to ongoing tensions, Israeli officials have unleashed unwarranted aggression on innocent civilians. This brutality has caused embarrassment not only within the international community, but also among the Israeli people themselves. Criticism from other countries and massive popular uprisings have accused Israel’s allies of complicity in these heinous acts. While the United States, Britain, and Germany have justified Israel’s actions as self-defense under international law, it must be noted that this same law also allows for resistance against occupying forces. The Israeli government’s ongoing occupation of Arab lands and the resulting war crimes, such as massacres of civilians, are direct violations of international law. The condemnation of the Israeli government has been relentless, both within and outside of Israel. Daily protests continue to hold Israel accountable for the deteriorating security and economic conditions, with experts estimating a staggering billion-dollar loss per week. These losses also include the disruption of essential services, such as university, school, and hospital employees, all of whom are mobilized for extended periods of time. Israeli voices, including several prominent newspapers, have voiced concerns over the country’s increasing isolation, drawing parallels to the tragic events faced by Jews during World War II. These fears were echoed by US representatives during a recent hearing for Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, where some senators demanded a cease-fire in Gaza and others symbolically painted their hands red to represent the bloodshed in the region. Even European governments, previously supportive of Israel, have begun to question the extent of its military operation, while China’s patience has worn thin. The Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman recently tweeted, “How many children and innocent lives must be lost for this bombing in Gaza to end?” And the Russian representative to the United Nations has called for an end to describing Israel as defending itself, reminding the international community that it is an occupying force. He also warned of the possibility of destruction spreading to the entire region if Israel continues its attacks on civilians. The United Nations cannot simply turn a blind eye to these actions and must hold Israel accountable for its actions. The world must not give Israel free rein to carry out a ground operation in Gaza. The Israeli government’s current actions have had an alarming consequence: The safety of Israeli citizens is no longer guaranteed, both within Israel and even outside of it. As a result, the Netanyahu administration recently advised citizens to refrain from traveling abroad and to avoid carrying any form of identification that may reveal their Israeli citizenship. The ongoing violence in Israel has put the world on edge, causing even its closest allies to feel uneasy. Criticism of the country’s actions has been growing, with high-ranking officials at the US State Department speaking out against their own government’s policies. In a bold move, Josh Paul, director of the Bureau of Political and Military Affairs, resigned in protest against the US’s support for Israel and its supply of deadly weapons. Similar tensions are also brewing in Britain, where the prime minister was forced to dismiss the interior minister after her controversial statements about the handling of pro-Palestinian protests. Additionally, the British foreign minister has been replaced by former Prime Minister David Cameron, in an effort to address the escalating situation. It is clear that the world is turning its attention to this heated conflict, and it’s time for the international community to take a stand. It is no secret that every country prioritizes its own interests, and it is only a matter of time before the global community takes action against Israel’s reckless actions. The international community is on edge as the conflict escalates, fearing for what lies ahead. Indeed, the path Israel is navigating is one that could ultimately lead us to a grim future, and possibly even a third world war. —Muhammad Mufti (translated by Asaf Zilberfarb)