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Jordan and the Fear of Spillover

Al-Dostor, Jordan, Originally Posted in Arabic on October 17

In the wake of the current Israeli aggression against Palestinians, there is nothing Amman fears more than chaos taking over the West Bank. Not at this time.

Both Syria and Lebanon have been a constant source of instability on Jordan’s northern border. Another front with the Palestinians, in the west, is not what the Kingdom wants or needs. At the same time, however, King Abdullah will not abandon the Palestinians.

For too many years he hoped to bring Israelis and Palestinians to the table, in order to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. The continuous Israeli violations of the status quo at Al-Aqsa, the expansions of Jewish settlements in Palestinian lands, and the creation of an apartheid regime in the West Bank have all taken their toll on the Palestinians.

Israel recently stepped up its repressive policies by deciding to use live ammunition against Palestinian demonstrators, as well as destroy the homes of suspects. All of this comes only a year after Netanyahu visited King Abdullah in Amman and promised, in the presence of Secretary Kerry and President Abbas, to safeguard the rights of Palestinians.

Since then, nothing has changed. The Palestinians lost hope. Ironically, the United States is calling for another summit in Amman. But we know what will happen: the Israelis make false promises and frustration will build up on the Palestinian streets. Soon enough, another uprising will begin. I suggest we stop telling the Palestinians what to do. Let’s allow them to do what they deem right for themselves. After decades of oppression, let the Palestinians be free.

Jordan might fear a spillover, but this is not about us. This is about the Palestinians. And it very well might be their last chance to stand up for their homeland and fight to save their dignity. – Arib al-Rantawi