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“The Hunger Games” and a Third Egyptian Revolution

Al-Aharam, Egypt, Originally posted in Arabic on December 23

I have already written at great length about the American involvement in the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, but I’d like to draw your attention to what is happening on this issue today. Washington, which seems to be unpleased with the current government in Cairo, recently launched a new campaign aimed at toppling the Egyptian regime.

This time it took form in a Hollywood film called “The Hunger Games”.

Released to cinemas last week, the film conceals numerous messages planted in it by the American intelligence. It aims at providing Egyptian citizens with directives on how to overthrow their government, by clearly depicting the 25th of January – which happens to be the anniversary date of the Egyptian Revolution – as the day in which citizens must rebel against the “central regime”.

The film tells the story of a group of citizens who, using violence and terror, managed to overthrow their regime overnight. However, they chose to replace it with a new political system that did not abide by the vision of their country’s forefathers.

This seems awfully similar to the way in which Americans view the Egyptian Revolution: not as a process of democratization, but rather a “hijacking” of Egyptian politics away from their traditional pro-Western stance. The fictional forefathers depicted in the film could be easily replaced with Egyptian leaders like Abd al-Nasser and Sadat. In the film, all of this eventually leads to yet another revolution, which restores the country’s true identity.

This is where it leaves Egyptian activists with a call for action, as well as directives on what they should do next. – Mustafa Fahemi